Camping Virgin.
My boyfriend is a charmer. "It will be great", he said. With much hesitation I agreed to camping/ Music fest in the middle of the desert; Quartsite, Arizona. I'm thinking, I'm four months pregnant and this is probably one of the last times we are going to be alone for a get away. I've never been camping, roughing it and Porta potties are not my idea of fun, but I am open minded and I love him.So there I go, pregnant, uncomfortable, hot and Ill equipped for camping. Will we die of heat stroke? What are the bathrooms going to be like? What are we going to eat !? The truth is,I did it for the greats. The greats of Spanish rock who only come together like this once in a life time. Los Caifanes alone were enough to motivate me to spend 3 days in Hades.
Caifanes at RockFiesta 2016.
Campsite at RockFiesta, Quartsite, Arizona
We arrived Thursday night to find my friend Ana had given up on building this elaborate "3 bedroom tent". "Fuck this tent!" She texted me on our drive up. Great. No place to sleep. "Be careful with all the snakes", my mom texted right after. People or reptiles?One never knows with her. When we arrived we all worked as a team and we were able to build this "3 bedroom tent" aka one bedroom tent tall enough for standing room, I'll take it. Little did we know this tent would become a shower, a toilet, a sauna, a dessert oasis asylum.
Gabe passing the time.
I quickly figured out what the bathroom situation would be like.I have a fear of Porta potties and here I was forced to face my fear over and over again. I watched a guy climb out of one covered in human waste after being cut with razor blades all over his body in the Hills Have Eyes movie and I'm traumatized for life. I picture this everytime I see one. I have to look inside the toilet! Everytime. That poor guy might be in there in need of rescue. When the coast is clear, im able to squat, hold position and go without touching a single thing in the Porta potties. It's basically a form of Bikram Yoga/Tai Chi.
Porta pottie demonstration by Marcos
The first 2 days the Porta potties were tolerable death. The second 2 days the porta potties were unimaginable disgust. There weren't enough of them to go around so 6,000 people basically used them until they filled up to the brim. Picture it friends, chocolate dipped ice cream cone over filled in a cup. The guys joked about someone needing to stick their leg In there and push down the waste.The smell, gag central as soon as I opened the door. I couldn't even walk in. Right then and there I decided I would die of a bowel obstruction from holding it in for 4 days. R.I.P. Marielle loved and was loved. Ana decided that death wasn't an option and ran to the gas station to purchased a 5$ bucket and some trash bags. When you're pregnant, when you've been holding it in for 2 days, this is happening. This happened, for both of us. We are closer now because of it. The Porta potties ended up being quarantined towards the end of the trip. Yellow caution tape and all.
Cheap flip flops 2$(broke our last day there).
Solar powered charger, 25$ Amazon
Ana, Me and baby.
Watching Caifanes on our last night.
With the exception of the Porta potties, we had an amazing time. Coming with Ana was the best decision ever, she's a mom and was ready with a stove, cooking utensils, snacks for days, chorizo and egg burritos every morning and even carne asada one night.In case of a zombie apocalypse, bring Ana. Is Ana secretly a doomsday prepper with a basement eqiped for natural disaster? I think yes. There were a few essentials that saved the day for us including solar powered phone chargers, portable stereo, flip flops. Everyone enjoyed cocktails in plastic cups and the pregnant lady had mocktails. Tequila was mixed with fresh lemonade on the hottest days. I even got to enjoy a fresh coconut that had been on ice for 3 days. It was perfection. Thanks Miguel. I like this guy because he's the only person I know who would think to bring things like coconuts,raw vegan chocolates, blood orange Noosa yogurt and share them with the pregnant lady.
Virgin Paloma: Kiwi Lacroix,Squirt, and saladito over ice.
Chorizo and egg breakfast by mama Ana.
Portable Bluetooth stereo, House of Marley 179$
Camping refrigerator.
Snow cone, no flavoring. 10$ staying hydrated.
Kettle corn, 6$.
Lemonade 6$.
Fresh coconut water at the campsite.
Young coconut meat.
Miguel, Marcos and Gabe at RockFiesta 2016.
The nights were cool and comfortable.Much of the day was spent hanging around the campsite talking and bonding with each other. Lifelong friends with lifelong conversations. The conversations we were included in for the first time included the topic of parenting. What to expect when youre expecting from personal experiences. "If you're going all natural, be ready for a long ass labor" Marcos advised. Valuable, golden advice to be cherished forever. Together, we envisioned all of our children playing together in the future.These were my favorite moments. Never in a million years did I think we'd be thinking or talking about these things. The time with friends outweighed any negatives on this trip. This trip wasn't the most comfortable one we've ever taken. But it was worth it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if only for this guy.
Ozomatli, RockFiesta 2016
As soon as we left Rock Fiesta, we drove to the nearest dinner. Running water, AC and food! Fried fish and chips for me, pancakes for the guys. Best meal ever.
Love,RockFiesta 2016.